Wall to Wall - Film - Brussels - 13 min - 2020

A fantasy made with three walls, two female bodies and only one act: pushing. Pushing becomes a metaphor of human effort against the walls, barriers, limits that we set for ourselves in the space. A small, ordinary room in a city apartment is transformed into a laboratory of tactile sensuality. The two women are pushing walls that cannot be pushed. They accentuate the limits of their space and celebrate their creative effort. Their direct and focused manner, free from stereotypes of femininity creates an analogy with their efforts in everyday life. Pushing to give birth, pushing for their rights towards equality, pushing to juggle the multiple roles that they have to assume in society.

Concept and choreography Astero Lamprinou
Performers Estelle Delcambre and Astero Lamprinou
Original Music Orfeas Mitsotakis
Director of Photography No Problem Production, Oliver Imfeld

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